Sunday, June 26, 2011

Floating vs Double vs Decimal in C#

For a last few days I'm reading Java Puzzlers book (the older version). I am aware about using decimal formats for money, and data that needs to be calculated precisely. I am testing majority of puzzles against C# language, and I was surprised to figure out that in Java:

System.out.println(1.03 - .42);

The output is


In C#

Console.WriteLine((1.03F - .42F));
Console.WriteLine((1.03D - .42D));

The output is


The surprising bit is that in both languages float and double are implemented based on IEEE-754 spec. So why the output differs? I was trying to figure out this by looking it up in a CSharp Spec, but no luck. IEEE specification does not give a strict guidelines of how to implement operations (like add, subtract, multiply), just to implementation of data itself - it should be kept as an exponent number. So I believe that operation implementations are different - maybe due to optimization - but it would be weird, because decimal type was 'invented' to tell explicitly, that a programmer is interested in a precise answer, not a relative accuracy.

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